today i missed my first class cause i really wanted the extra sleep hours and it made me a lot more productive to the other two classes i had today.
i'm curious to see how my opinions will change during this course but i'm gonna write it now so i can compare later on.
i had semiotics which is always kind of the same even though the professor is amazing. i also had history of cinema which is for sure one of my favorite classes. we have so many assignements already and i didn't do anything yet.
butcher told us more about the monography we need to write for his class and he wants it to be about how your subject was influenced by the history of cinema in the past; what made it be like that today. i have absolutely no idea of which subject i'm gonna do, but i guess i still have a lil time to find out since it's only for the end of the semester.

i've been watching a bunch of movies for the past few days and it's giving me a really good feeling and i plan on watching at least two to three movies a week from now on. i know that plan won't last very long cause i'm lazy and stay in bed all day, but lately i've been working from my desk much more than before.

i've been avoiding contact with my family more and more over the past few weeks, they say i'm pushing them away but actually, they're the one who make me wanna do that in the first place. i feel judged and suffocated constantly and i really wanna get out of here. i need to find a job to move out but the pandemic doesn't help so much. i can't really complain, way worse things are happenning right now, but it would be nice if i could find something to do.

i've been feeling good lately, i'm afraid of jinxing it but i've been feeling more motivated and calm. my ocd has been acting up pretty crazy but i think i'm kind of managing it too, it's just really annoying.

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